Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Bear-man 'Doppelganger' Cassette Release, etc

With the festivities behind us, Bear-man are resuming activity for a new year. 2011 was a very good year for us. We indulged in countless hours of marathon, trance inducing improvisation sessions, released our debut cassette on Phanthomhead Recordings, Performed in a car, a pit, mini-festivals, as well as supporting great bands including, Acid Mothers Temple w/ Nik Turner, Primordial Undermind, Thought Forms, Drum Eyes, etc.
Thanks to everyone who helped, encouraged, appreciated, or attended last year.

For 2012, we have a cassette release with fantastic Canadian label Knife in the Toaster in the works, and are planning more recordings/shows, releases, and other happenings.
Bear-man - Doppelganger is a recycled C40 cassette containing a mix of studio and live tracks.

2.Body of Laquer and paste
4.Explodes the stomach, slides the tendon, and  fires the sheep's internal organs

Side a - 1.Doppelganger, & 3.Cornucopia, were recorded at Bear-man HQ in Douglas buildings, Cardiff Bay.
2.Body of Laquer and paste, is a live recording of a set played at The Dairy, Pontcanna, Cardiff, 30/10/2011, as part of 'Welcome to your world' an Exhibition by Richard Higlett in which 2/3 of Bear-man played in a pit.
Side b - Explodes the stomach, slides the tendon, and  fires the sheep's internal organs, is an excerpt from a set recorded live by Paul Swann at Buffalo Bar, Cardiff. 24/8/2011.

I cobbled together, cut, stuck, and badly photocopied the imagery on the cassette.
This tape is Ultra-Limited!! Due for release in the near future (more info soon) from Knife in the toaster.
Many thanks to Gabriel Piller

The studio move is very near completion having relocated within Douglas Buildings. Soundproofing is finished, carpeting the walls and ceiling is almost done.
Clinging to a ceiling, wrapped in carpet, on a potentially mentally damaging, but strangely enjoyable carpet glue trip is one hell of an experience.
Next is the studio equipment installation.

 Also, check out this great interview from Drinking Horn with our friend Ian Watson.